VGA latest models generally have two output options. First to analog output that is used on standard monitors, both with DVI output or a digital video interface. DVI output to the actual start to completion, many standard and is intended for the use of the LCD type monitors that accept DVI input.But the current implementation, maker also added a VGA converter or a VGA jack for using DVI output on a VGA analog output. The reason is unclear, it may be a monitor with DVI input has not been widely used and users still tend to use the tube type monitors with analog systems. LCD or is currently mid to low range is still using Analog input as usual VGA and DVI input on not having an LCD type monitor.On the other hand, the chip maker to develop the use of dual VGA outputs for the user. Software drivers are now equipped to use two monitors on a PC. Even Matrox VGA type can instead use 3 monitors at once to a PC.But the use to which the utilization of current dual VGA outputs. We tried to enable VGA output on the Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro for that purpose. VGA Radeon 9800 is equipped with dual outputs can use two outputs for displaying the image there are 2 separate pieces of the monitor. For test material, used two monitors, the first tube is used to monitor the size of 17 "and LCD model LG 17"
Test Equipment
* 1. LG Flatron L1710B LCD monitor size 17 "
* 2. Monitor Sony E200 Tube size 17 "
* 3. Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro dual output
* 4. 3:10 Catalyst Software
LG Flatron LCD monitors are placed on the left side as the Primary monitor, for Tube E200 monitor is placed on the right side as a Secondary monitor, the picture below is the output VGA Gigabyte Radeon 9800 Pro and a second VGA jack is used to display images on both monitorsFor users with VGA Nvidia dual VGA jack position likely to be reversed, generally Nvidia puts Primary VGA port on the bottom side and Secondary PCI VGA with DVI output is placed on the upper PCI The first is the drivers need to be prepared, in the picture below is the display driver for the Radeon 9800 Pro on Windows XP. Simply click on monitor number 2 and click the Extend my Windows
In order to know which side of the monitor used press Identify. And would appear a large number on both screens, No. 1 is on the left side of the monitor while the monitor with a No. 2 for the right side. Had tried in the type of Nvidia VGA monitor if the position can be reversed as desired, but on the kind of undiscovered Radeon VGA option to reverse the function display.Then how do the use for the use of two monitors with 1 PC. So the width of the monitor in dual display will be broader, for example only use 17 "monitors with 1280x1024 resolution, then when summed width of both monitors will produce wide-screen (1280 X 2) X 1024 for a display images from a computer.To use dual monitor with a computer, the initial display for an application to commence in the Primary Display, or from the left side of the monitor. Users simply move the program to transform the mouse into the right side displayed to the screen into two. Using a wide screen, the computer is no longer a headache penguna for flipping between programs that are rear and front side. Simply move the application into the empty side of the two screens and transform the mouse between the two monitors In the example below to display the three programs at once with an Excel spreadsheet (Primary monitor), Word processing (Secondary Monitor) and email program (Secondary Monitor). The entire program can be seen and the user simply has a wider screen with a computer only fruitOr the user can use an application with 2 pieces of fruit a monitor to display. Such as editing sound tracks that require a large screen so that the sound track can be seen. In the example below is the appearance Cooledit software to display the one program with two screens simultaneously. To display an application with 2 screens in drag / strecth, how to draw windows on the application side to the left and right side of the screen like a draw between the two windows on the monitor screen.
2 Monitor 1 application - Cooledit
Or you want to watch a DVD of a movie with 2 monitors. Is the same as showing an application with 2 monitors. In the test program on the DVD, to display the second screen with Aspect Ratio of Power DVD then it must be turned off so the image can be displayed by the program to the left and right.
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