Showing posts with label Driver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Driver. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tips Find Drivers Online with

Sometimes the windows install on older computers, especially Windows XP, often difficulties arise in the improper installation of drivers. both VGA internally or driver VGA exsternal, sound cards, and other hardware drivers, because drivers are missing or damaged motherboards, and we have had to search through google but sometimes do not find it and could make more confused because of the large selection of links that exist and not toward the driver is being sought. Drivers on the actual process of searching the Internet can be done with the help of search software drivers such as "Driver Detective" etc, just sometimes the search process with the help of search software drivers require a relatively long time and certainly will make wasteful of bandwidth. Here are tips on how to find the driver easily on the Internet, without Software Driver search. Solution looking for hardware drivers if we do not know the types and kinds of our hardware. These tips I got from the forum Search this hardware drivers through site that will immediately show us the hardware drivers. I immediately wrote to give his steps.
1. Open the "Device Manager" on the computer to search the right Drivernya.Klik Devices that do not have the driver and select "Properties", or it could be Double-click.
2. In the Device Properties, select the tab "Details", then on the option box, select "Device Instance id", then copy the "My Device" that exist (use "ctrl + c")
3. open site and paste it into the search box. and click OK
4. Driver Download the latest version.
5. Installed on the computer
or in addition to the steps described above, could also use a tool made by the company. to download it please click here